Astik Srivastava

Hi there! I'm a robotics intern at Robotics Research Center-IIIT Hyderabad. I'm pursuing my B-Tech in Engineering Physics from Delhi Technological University, where, as the team lead of Team UAS-DTU, I've conducted my research on aerial robotics, particularly on the guidance and control of fixed-wing and multirotor UAVs.

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Some recent highlights from my research:
International Micro Aerial Vehicle Competition 3rd prize in outdoor competition
SAE Drone Development Challenge 2023 3rd prize in overall competition and technical design
Google Summer of Code 2024 Open source contributor for Ardupilot

A Modified Artificial Potential Field for UAV Collision Avoidance

Astik Srivastava; V. R. Vasudevan; Harikesh; Raghava Nallanthiga; P. B. Sujit
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Design and Flight Testing of LQRi Attitude Control for Quadcopter UAV

Astik Srivastava; S. Indu; Richa Sharma
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